Inimitable Proof Our Bodies Need PEMF!





The Lost Healing Technique That Changing the Way the Human Body Heals!







How important is PEMF Therapy? In 1992 Dr. Andrew Bassett, who helped pioneer the first FDA approved device using pulsed electro-magnetic fields, wrote, “In the decade to come bioelectro-magnetics will assume a therapeutic importance equal to, or greater than, that of pharmacology and surgery today. With proper interdisciplinary effort, significant inroads can be made in controlling the ravages of cancer, some forms of heart disease, arthritis, hormonal disorders, and neurological scourges such as Alzheimer’s disease, spinal cord injury, and multiple sclerosis.”

Renowned orthopaedic surgeons like Dr.Becker and Dr.Andrew Basset, neurologists like Dr.Sandyk and Dr.Anninos and many others in the field of rehabilitation and general medicine have reported excellent results with the pmf therapy. There a a number of text books supporting the therapy . The pemf therapy is already popular in the USA, Canada, Israel, Japan Russia and Europe.

To illustrate this fact, in the first human manned space mission, Yuri Gagarin, a Russian cosmonaut went up into space a strong, healthy man with plenty of food, water and oxygen. He returned to Earth in near critical condition after just one hour and forty-eight minutes. The critical missing element for Yuri that caused his condition was a lack of PEMF.

Then, there’s the famous Faraday cage where studies have proven with both lab animals and human subjects that when they were not exposed to PEMF’s because of the cage, in a matter of hours they exhibit problems of bone loss, muscle weakness, depressed metabolism, and in humans, depression.

Let’s break down the components of PEMF. First you have frequency, which is the number of cycles divided by time. Think of it as a radio station you tune into. Then there’s Intensity of these frequencies. You can think of it as the volume for that radio station. Of course you know to tune into a radio station, you have to dial in the right call numbers with the volume at a decent level to benefit from that station. Well it’s the same thing with PEMF.

You see the Earth has an electro magnetic field with a frequency of 7.83 Hz. Your body is tuned into that frequency and fills it’s need for PEMF’s by benefiting from what the Earth puts out. But there’s one big problem.

Just as your body must have air to survive, if you live in a smog-ridden city or an area that pumps lots of pollution into the air, the air you breath may contain less oxygen and may be quite dirty and that’s not good for your health. Well it’s the same thing with PEMF today. In the last thousand years the Earth’s magnetic field hasfallen by 30 percent. That means your body is getting less PEMF than normal. But there’s more.

Nowadays, especially in much of the first world countries, the infrastructure and technology we live in, is preventing us from getting the PEMF our bodies must have. For instance, many people wear rubber-sole shoes and work in steel-reinforced skyscrapers or in workplaces surrounded by concrete.

These buildings and reinforced homes block out the positive frequencies our body requires. Many people who fly on planes for long periods of time often complain of jet lag. This too is partly caused by the body not being fed these positive frequencies, as the passengers are 30,000 feet above the ground, encased in a metal tube. Then there are the cell phone towers, computers, PDA’s and so many electronic devices that emit what’s called“electron-smog”.

And this smog acts just like smog you might see in a large city. It’s pollutes the atmosphere, and drowns out healthy oxygen. Well electro-smog blocks out healthy PEMFs and can negatively affect your cell metabolism.

Here’s the interesting thing about not getting enough PEMF’s. When your body is deprived of food or water, your body signals you with hunger pain and thirst so you correct the problem. But when you have a PEMF shortage no such signal is sent however you start to feel weakness, impaired perception and depression.

7,000 Research Papers & 1,000 Clinical Studies Prove Your Body Must Have Enough Positive Frequencies for Optimum Health

And this isn’t just my opinion, what I’m telling you is based on 7,000 research papers and 1,000 clinical studies. There’s actually video you can watch of a person with a severed fingertip re-growing it in real time because it’s receiving these positive frequencies!

You see we’re hard-wired to nature’s intensities and frequencies and when the body’s need for these frequencies is adequately supplied, good things happen.

In fact there’s research by a scientist by the name of Zimmerman who proved that our bodies carry a PEMF and that some people’s field is stronger than others. And when they lay hands on someone who’s ill for example their positive PEMF helps the person they’re laying hands on!

In Asia, it’s well documented that PEMF therapy helps people who suffer pain and fibromyalgia.

Now here in North America, due to government red tape, no one can directly promise or guarantee that PEMF therapy offers you concrete benefits even though over 1,000 clinical studies prove it works.

And the proof is in the pudding. You might be surprised to know that PEMF is used by more than 400,000 people and 4,000 athletes in Europe and there are several athletes and celebrities in the US using it such as Shaquille O’Neal, Terrell Owens, Lance Armstrong, Muhammad Ali, Roger Moore, and many others.

NASA and the Russian Space Program depend on PEMF machines. So keep this in mind.

The thing I want to get across to you is that your body is composed of about 10 trillion cells. And each of those cells is like a battery and those batteries run on the same frequencies as that of the Earth’s. And when those frequencies are weakened or disrupted your cells work at a weaker vibration. So if something works on a weaker level then you’re not getting all the benefits outs of it that, right? So what are the long term consequences of weaker cells? What’s the flip-side of that?

If your cells are fully-charged and working at maximum power then you enjoy the benefits of strong healthy cells that operate at peak performance. Isn’t having a body that functions at its best what we all want?

I think so. And that’s what PEMF therapy does for you. By continuing to be hit with negative frequencies, and weakened positive frequencies you’re missing out on the life you could be having. So let’s turn things around and energize your health by taking advantage of the positive frequencies nature intended

I know of no better way to do this than by investing in a good PEMF device. So how do these devices work? Here’s how: You simply lay on a mat or sit up against one laid inside of a chair and then turn the device on to the right settings and in about 8 minutes you should feel much better. Many devices include a special probe you can use over a certain body part to promote healing and pain reduction.

In short, using one of these PEMF devices is like taking a positive electro magnetic bath that cleans your energy field and resets it to the Earth’s frequency.

Now I’ve tried all sorts of energy medicine devices. But the best thing I’ve find are PEMFT machines. But not all PEMFT machines are made the same. Earlier in this message I made the analogy of tuning into a radio station at the right volume to benefit from that station. Well it’s important to note that some PEMFT devices on the market have limited radio stations so to speak and can’t fully tune in to the exact frequency you may need. In some cases they may play the volume too loud.

In other words, being that the Earth’s frequency is at 7.8 Hz, with a current intensity of between 30 and 60 microtesta (uT),you want a machine that approximates that as close as possible. And the sad truth is, most of these machines do not and some actually have the intensity too high which may give you an undesired effectunless you’re under the medical supervision of a doctor where that high intensity might be called for.

That said, if you don’t know what you’re doing, you could make the wrong decision on which PEMFT machine you buy and it’ll be a costly mistake you’ll regret. The good news is, I’m here to help make sure that won’t happen to you and to help you get a PEMFT machine that’ll you’ll prize and benefit from for many years. So with that in mind, here’s my complete review on the top PEMFT machines, starting with the BEST one first at #1 going on down to the least useful one. Here we go!

The Number One cause of illness

Cell Malfunction and Toxicity

Healthy habits include vitamins, exercise and good nutrition. These habits give you a healthy immune system and keep you from getting sick. Though we live in an industrial, affluent country, we suffer from loss of personal energy. Stress and environmental pollution, together with insufficient exercise and improper diet robs us of energy, or at least tip us out of energetic balance. Cells are no longer functioning correctly. This situation leads to poor circulation, declining performance, premature aging, and degenerative diseases. To reclaim the body’s natural state of health, cell function needs to be restored. Routine use of Pulsed Magnetic Energy allows the power of the body to repair cells and recover from illnesses.

Why are pulsating magnetic fields best for personal health maintenance?

A low pulsating magnetic field produces one main effect: stimulating cell metabolism. This effect causes a chain of processes in the human body, and leads to improvement of health without side effects. A cell produces its own energy, called ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). This energy is necessary for movement of the body, building up and breaking down molecules, and transporting substances across cell membranes. To produce energy, a cell needs oxygen and about 90 other substances, including enzymes, glucose, and nutrients. In addition to energy, cells also produce carbon dioxide, water, and waste products. To be able to execute and control all these processes properly, good cell metabolism is required. Therefore, the cell needs a membrane potential of 70 Ð 90 mV (millivolt). Whenever this electrical potential drops, active metabolism is impaired. Low performance levels and chronic disease are the results. Ultimately, every illness is the consequence of impaired cell metabolism.

What effect does Pulsed Magnetic Energy have on disease processes?

A pulsating magnetic field, has a positive influence on any disease process. By displacing ions, pulsating magnetic fields can lead to normalization of the membrane potential.

Some of the results of using PULSED MAGNETIC S are:

1. Blood circulation is affected and normalized. Loaded particles in the bloodstream will oscillate in the rhythm of the QRS frequency. This can reduce friction and flow resistance in narrow capillaries. Per fusion (blood circulation) increases, and at the same time, the diffusion rate for oxygen and carbon dioxide increases.

2. Oxygen partial pressure increases. All studies demonstrated a dramatic increase in the oxygen content of the blood, up to 80%.

3. Cell membrane potential is normalized. General exhaustion of the body, caused by stress or chronic disease, will reduce the cell’s membrane potential (usually between 70 to 90 mV). If this potential approaches the zero level, the cell dies. A cell uses 50% of its energy to maintain this potential. MagnaPulse and PAP-IMI, with its patented ion transport system enables the selective movement of protons (H+ ions), which will then be retargeted at the cell membrane. In this way, the membrane will be hyperpolarized and the membrane potential normalizes.

4. Calcium influx enters the cell. Through increased concentration of H+ ions in the membrane area, pH value is reduced near the membrane. This leads to the release of calcium from the protein layer of the cell membrane. Unbound calcium flows into the cell core and triggers numerous metabolic reactions. Macrophages (tissue cells functioning as protection against infections) are activated and therefore the immune system is strengthened. Metabolism is activated and nitrite oxide, a potent vessel enlarger, is produced. In addition, cytogenesis (structure, function, and multiplication of the cells) is stimulated.

These four results constitute the basic effect of pulsating magnetic fields. Oxygen, the elixir of life, without which we could not exist, is

How Pulsed Magnetics Works Its Magic

1. Atomic excitement, stimulating the spin of the electron to store energy there that lasts for three days.

2. Molecules tend to align slightly with each magnetic pulse, making them easier to combine, especially when excited.

3. The pH goes a hundred times more alkaline, which allows better oxygen uptake, and suppresses some harmful entities.

4. The viscosity shifts on the order of 16 fold, allowing liquids to flow into cell gates, or lymph to thin and flow.

5. Red blood cells separate (probably all take a positive charge and repel each other) in minutes, allowing more surface area to transport oxygen.

6. There is an apparent relaxing of the vascular system within minutes of completing

a session, which drops blood pressure by twenty to thirty percent.

7. There is systemic response to the sessions as though the body’s functions have been fine tuned, or turbo charged. Many different problems get better, often not the targeted problems only, but things not expected to get better. Wounds heal in one third normal time.

8. Bone mending, the quality of calcium, is one-third normal time, and the skin of the bone seems to develop cells more like the DNA dictates.

9. Electroporation is the phenomena wherein the cells gates open to allow more passage of solvent (H20) to dissolve toxins, or allow better delivery of a medicine or herb.

10. Hardest one to accept, the cell can change some of the sodium back to potassium, which is documented in a US Army study, and this reduces pain, often fading pain away in minutes.

11. The electromagnetic pulse is causing the person to generate tiny little micro currents, and the energy tends to run through the neural pathways. This seems to swamp the C fibers from accessing the neural gates which allow the pain signal to stream to the brain. Less signal, less pain perception.

12. As the speed of the pulse is so fast (less than a millionth of a second!), thanks to Dr. Pappas invention we can use tremendous amounts of energy without there being time to heat the atom. We can pulse energy into an area for as long as an hour without adverse reactions in most cases, so serious problems can take the extra energy needed to do extra work.

Most people recognize that oxygen, food, and water are extremely essential aspects of well being. Interestingly, very few folks understand that Magnetic Resonance Stimulation, (sometimes referred to as “MRS” or PEMF with means “Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields”), is also crucial for every living thing on Earth. Actually NASA, (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and RKA, (the Russian Federal Space Agency), have been using MRS and PEMF Therapy to help prevent magnetic deficiency disorders in their space-traveling explorers for many years. And, since the earliest space missions, many studies have shown that living human tissue and cells absolutely need PEMF.

When these magnetic fields are so important to life as we know it, why haven’t you heard of PEMF or MRS as often as you have the need to drive 8 glasses of water a day? Great question. In the past, people didn’t really need to concern themselves with PEMF. The Earth supplied adequate amounts and people lived a lot differently than we do now. They were outdoors more often and always receiving sufficient quantities of MRS naturally.

Recently, however, modern life has changed the way humans interact with nature and people have altered the Earth’s ability to produce PEMF. People have realized the benefits of PEMF Therapy and have increasingly sought out answers.

In the past, man lived outside or in buildings made of natural materials, (such as huts and adobe homes). Humans also spent a lot of time outside farming crops and hunting. But now, many people spend large quantities of time inside metal and concrete buildings. They work in them, shop in them, and go home to sleep in them. Many people no longer need to farm or hunt and may spend as little as 10% of their time actually outdoors. In the past, people travelled by horseback or on camels or other animals – outside and in touch with nature. But today, we find ourselves increasingly stuck in cars and subway cars and other metal and plastic and man-made modes of transportation. People also wear shoes, often with rubber soles rather than walking around barefoot or in shoes made from natural materials. All of these things separate us from the Earth’s natural PEMF.

Additionally, the PEMF that our planet IS producing is actually about 50% weaker than it was in the 1700?s. The reasons for this decline are unclear but some scientists believe it is linked to other environmental issues.

Our modern lives also bombard us with unnatural, (aka “bad”) PEMF from PCs, laptops, notebooks, cellular telephones, TVs, mp3 players and other devices.

Our bodies are being assaulted on all sides and may be literally starving for PEMF. PEMF bed supplies users with all-natural, Earth based PEMF.

This device allows peoples to bask in a relaxing bath of natural PEMF which allows to recharge the body’s batteries by restoring a natural balance to the body. The PEMF has been shown to be able to increase energy, improve mental focus, reduce pain, reduce inflammation, and allow folks to sleep better at night. It has also been a successful way to help prevent certain illnesses and even helps to facilitate relaxation and enhance people’s mood.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, PEMT. How does it work?

All living cells within the body possess potentials between the inner and outer membrane of the cell, which, under normal healthy circumstances, are fixed. Different cells, e.g. Muscle cells and Nerve cells, have different potentials of about -70 mV respectively. When cells are damaged, these potentials change such that the balance across the membrane changes, causing the attraction of positive sodium ions into the cell and negative trace elements and proteins out of the cell. The net result is that liquid is attracted into the interstitial area and swelling or oedema ensues. The application of pulsed magnetic fields has, through research findings, been shown to help the body to restore normal potentials at an accelerated rate, thus aiding the healing of most wounds and reducing swelling faster. The most effective frequencies found by researchers so far, are very low frequency pulses of a 50Hz base. These, if gradually increased to 25 pulses per second for time periods of 600 seconds (10 minutes), condition the damaged tissue to aid the natural healing process.
Pain reduction is another area in which pulsed electromagnetic therapy has been shown to be very effective. Pain signals are transmitted along nerve cells to pre-synaptic terminals. At these terminals, channels in the cell alter due to a movement of ions. The membrane potential changes, causing the release of a chemical transmitter from a synaptic vesicle contained within the membrane. The pain signal is chemically transferred across the synaptic gap to chemical receptors on the post-synaptic nerve cell. This all happens in about 1/2000th of a second, as the synaptic gap is only 20 to 50 nm wide. As the pain signal, in chemical form, approaches the post-synaptic cell, the membrane changes and the signal is transferred. If we look at the voltages across the synaptic membrane then, under no pain conditions, the level is about -70 mV. When the pain signal approaches, the membrane potential increases to approximately +30 mV, allowing a sodium flow. This in turn triggers the synaptic vesicle to release the chemical transmitter and so transfer the pain signal across the synaptic gap or cleft. After the transmission, the voltage reduces back to its normal quiescent level until the next pain signal arrives.
The application of pulsed magnetism to painful sites causes the membrane to be lowered to a hyper-polarization level of about -90 mV. When a pain signal is detected, the voltage must now be raised to a relatively higher level in order to fire the synaptic vesicles. Since the average change of potential required to reach the trigger voltage of nearly +30 mV is +100 mV, the required change is too great and only +10 mV is attained. This voltage is generally too low to cause the synaptic vesicle to release the chemical transmitter and hence the pain signal is blocked. The most effective frequencies that have been observed from research in order to cause the above changes to membrane potentials, are a base frequency of around 100Hz and pulse rate settings of between 5 and 25Hz.
Lecture abstract Dr. D. Laycock, Ph.D. Med. Eng. MBES, MIPEM, B.Ed.


pemf bonesPulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy has been used to treat almost every conceivable human illness or malady, including many inflammatory diseases such as arthritis or psoriasis and you don’t have to wait for the FDA to approve this treatment for your kind of cancer. All you have to do is choose among the many options in terms of equipment.

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMFT), also called pulsed magnetic therapy, pulse magnetotherapy, or PEMF, is a reparative technique most commonly used in the field of orthopedics for the treatment of non-union fractures, failed fusions, congenital pseudarthrosis and depression. In the case of bone healing, PEMF uses electrical energy to direct a series of magnetic pulses through injured tissue whereby each magnetic pulse induces a tiny electrical signal that stimulates cellular repair.

Many studies have also demonstrated the effectiveness of PEMF in healing soft-tissue wounds, suppressing inflammatory responses at the cell membrane level to alleviate pain and increase range of motion. The value of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy has been shown to cover a wide range of conditions, with well-documented trials carried out by hospitals, rheumatologists, physiotherapists and neurologists. In years past this has been a very expensive form of therapy using sophisticated equipment, but that has all changed.

Frequency specific pulsed electro-magnetic fields (PEMF) are the most effective and cost-efficient option for the widest range of human and veterinary disorders regardless of etiology. PEMF therapy does not treat medical conditions; instead it up-regulates the body’s functions and optimizes the body’s ability to heal itself.

PEMF CUREPEMF provides stunning regenerative effects because these magnetic fields result in cells generating so much naturally derived energy that they are able to heal themselves. A magnetic switch turbochargers cellular energy production and reduces oxidative stress.

Magnetic fields also affect the charge of the cell membrane, which allows membrane channels to open up. These channels are like the doors and windows of a house. By opening cell channels, nutrients are better able to enter the cell, and waste is more easily eliminated from the cell. This helps to rebalance and restore optimum cell function. If you restore enough cells, they will all work more efficiently. Cells of the same type come together to make tissues, and those tissues come together to make organs. So, by restoring or maintaining cellular function, you will, in turn, restore or maintain organ function, allowing the entire body to function better. We all know that the body ages over time. Maintaining the function of every individual cell at an optimal level every day is an important part of slowing aging.

Cellular “injury,” the state of a cell when it is not healthy, leads to disease conditions. Magnetic fields protect against cell injury by improving circulation, repair processes and energy, and increasing special stress proteins in the cells. These proteins are used to prevent cell breakdown and wear and tear as well as help speed recovery from injury. Magnetic fields balance cells, tissues and bodily functions at very fundamental levels, even before damage and problems become obvious to you.”

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